Hyde Park, NY
It was a beautiful day to get some history. RJ and I went to Hyde Park to visit three national park sites: FDR home, Eleanor's Val Kill, and the Vanderbilt home. It was a long day but we had fun. First stop was to FDR, purchased my NPS park pass, and off we went on the tour.
First off did you know that he didn't own it until after his mother died? Yup lived with mom for most of his life.
RJ becoming the future president of the USA. Got to get these candidates working at goals at a young age. He's got my vote..... Riley for President 2030! (is that even an election year?)
A portion of the Berlin Wall. Not sure the barbed wire is original but the wall is pretty cool. Pictures never do things like this justice, They are tall and thick with giraffe only on one side.
A quick tour of the house inside. Interesting to see that FDR never let his handicap interfere with his life. He used an elevator to get to the second floor (an elevator that he had to crank himself up with - not electric).
The resting place of the President. That last time I came the gardens were full of flowers, this time there was slim pickings. I'm thinking that it was either to hot or they had just been picked.
After going through all the grounds and picking up something from the gift shop, we were off to the first ladies house. I think she was a wonderful woman who was years ahead of her time. She did a lot for this country during and after FDR terms were completed. This is a house that does not scream I have tons of money and I'm going to flaunt it. The tour guide was so knowledgeable. I would have loved to explore more of the grounds but we were on a schedule and needed to make it to the last destination before it closed.
Vanderbilt Mansion owned by Frederick and Louise. This is one of the oldest estates on the Hudson River. He was a railroad tycoon.The interior decoration was designed in the American Renaissance and had gold, flourishes, and antiques (for our time not theirs)
RJ took over some of the photography today. Guess he'll want a camera for Christmas.
The front entrance of the mansion and the view from the house. Quite impressive view.
There was formal gardens and manicured lawns. The formal gardens like FDR's home the flowers were not as full as they had been on my last visit.
Today was a good day, RJ received not 1, not 2, but 3 junior ranger badges. (OK technically he got 2 junior and one senior badges.

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