Colonial Dorchester

DESTINATION AWAITS: Today I ventured up on the Ashley River to colonial Dorchester. This is located on the Ashley River and was a thriving town until the start of war when it all but disappeared. Today we enjoyed the “exploring life in Colonial Dorchester.” Talked to several reinactors from a field doctor to soldiers. ADDRESS: 300 State Park Road, Summerville, SC JUST THE FACTS (BRIEF HISTORY): *Concrete fort made of oyster-shell that was broken down and turned into lye to create the concrete. Broken shells were also added to the concrete mix. *Church build in 1719, tower added 1751 *15 miles up stream from Charleston *Ashley River was its main route for transportation of goods. *1675 John & Mary Smith came from England and was granted 1800 acres. But after his death his land went back to the state. *Mary went on to marry Arthur Middletown then Ralph Izard. These are two important families of SC *1696 a settlement of Massachusetts came down to “settle the gospel” *Bell T...