McClellanville, SC


 McClellanville is just off route 17 approximately halfway between Charleston and Georgetown. It seems I have been taken by this quaint town. See the posts listed below. This small fishing village originated in the late 1860’s. It was land owned by AJ McClellan and RT Morrison. At some point they sold lots near the Jeremy Creek to planters. The town started to blossom with the first store opening after the civil war. The village turned from producing timber, rice, cotton to the seafood industry around 1926. This town is still known for its shrimping, yearly they have a Lowcountry Shrimp Festival and Blessing of the Fleet. The festival occurs the first Saturday of May each year. 

One fact I found quite fascinating, 1989 the eye wall of Hurricane Hugo passed over the village destroying various homes, boats, and other things. The villagers took up refuge in the local high school. The storm surge went so high that they had to get to the crawl space above the false ceiling in the building. No one was lost.

* the store O&C (Oscar&Cornelius) Boutique. 
* The Village Museum  * small but the caretaker Mr. Hill was very informative and gave us an in-depth lesson on the area. 
* TW Graham & Company Seafood Restaurant Make sure you call to get there current hours
*The Hampton Plantation This plantation is Georgian-style mansion built between 1730-1750. Its main crop was “Carolina Gold” rice. Guided tours are given on limited days and times. Check SC parks website for times and days. 
*Mr. Hill suggested a visit to the Old Brick Church on Old Kings Highway (aka Old Georgetown Road).
*look to see when the Lowcountry Shrimp Festival is happening.

See you at the next bend in the road,



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