Miles Brewton House

Miles Brewton was born in 1731 in Charleston. His father was a goldsmith and was associated with the city's banking and financial circles in town. Miles Brewton gained the property at 27 King Street through as they say "by a good marriage" to Mary Izard. Since I will not sugar coat history, he was south Carolina's biggest slave trader, owning 8 trading ships, and wealthiest man in the area. In 1765 he started construction on the Georgian Palladian brick home. By the time of the beginnings of the Revolutionary War he owner several indigo and rice plantations. Miles was a highly successful merchant and plantation owner of the era and was elected to the second congress in 1775. Sadly, he and his family were lost at sea when the ship they were traveling on when down during their trip to the north to Philadelphia. His sister, Rebecca Brewton Motte inherited the home. She herself would also make a name for herself during the revolutionary War. Rebecca was a strong supp...